Easy PTO Fundraisers for Summer

Ruby G.
July 24, 2024
June 2, 2021
2 min read

PTO fundraisers do so much more than raise money. They build community, spark school spirit and strengthen connections among volunteers, students and teachers. Who says school needs to be in session to have a fundraiser? Make summer part of your PTO’s fundraising calendar with these easy fundraisers to put in place before summer break.

  1. Frozen Fridays: This is a fun twist on the PTO fundraising staple of restaurant night.  Partner with a local ice cream parlor or ice cream truck to serve treats to school families every Friday for a cut of the revenue (20% is typical).  If the school playground is open during the summer, have the ice cream truck pull up there and make it a playdate.  Frozen Fridays at the end of summer are a great way for new kindergarten families to connect with the school community.
  1. Birthday Shoutouts: Get started this summer so that you can be on time to recognize early fall and summer birthdays!  For a flat fee families can purchase a colorful birthday card to be delivered to their student’s classroom on their birthday (summer birthdays will be recognized the first week of school) and have their birthday announced over the school PA. Bonus points if your principal can deliver the cards. This fundraiser can work with various amounts if you add in balloons, spirit wear or a small prize for the birthday student.
  1. Lemonade Around Town: The neighborhood lemonade stand is a classic idea that still works!  Pick a date and encourage students to set up a lemonade stand in their neighborhood and forward their proceeds to the PTO.  Get kids excited to participate by tying this fundraiser to a need that benefits them directly, like fresh art supplies for the new school year or new balls and games for recess.  Incentivize participation by giving the winning lemonade stand new school T-shirts for their family.
  1. Early Bird After School Clubs Registration: Allowing families to register for after school clubs at the end of summer helps firm up childcare plans for working parents and turns on fundraising before the school doors are open.  Schools that use Homeroom for after school classes and clubs now have two ways to fundraise: Add a percentage or flat fee on top of the cost of clubs to raise money for scholarships and program costs, and allow families to make a donation to the PTO when they pay for clubs.  Homeroom helps by instantly sending donor receipts with your organization's info for tax deductions.
  1. Summer Picnic Playdate: Host a summer picnic at the athletic field or playground at school and invite new and returning families to attend.  Families should bring a ball, games, a blanket and a picnic for an afternoon of fun. An unattended sign-in table is the palace for a welcome sign, name tags and jar for suggested admission donations. The PTO can host a snack and lemonade stand at the picnic for a fundraising boost.  PTO volunteers in attendance should facilitate family introductions, especially for incoming kindergarten families. Don’t forget to invite the teachers too!
  1. Summer Portraits: Chances are there is a talented photographer at your school.  Whether it’s a pro who will donate their services or a mom with a professional quality camera who always seems to get the best photos, recruit them to snap some candid pics at a summer portrait session at a local outdoor location.  Portrait mini-sessions are great for capturing fun photos of groups of school friends, for families that want unfussy pics of their kids and for photos of students with their favorite school teacher. 10 minutes per family/ group is a good amount of time to plan for. Allow families to sign up for a time slot and offer digital or printed copies of the pictures for a reasonable price. 
Want to learn how your PTO can fundraise and host after school clubs with Homeroom's free tools? Get in touch with us at hello@homeroom.com


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