Here is the breakdown (for a comprehensive look visit Afterschool Alliance):
$8.45B available from State educational agencies (SEAs), such as the State board of education, including:
- $1.22B for after school programs
- $1.22B for summer enrichment
- Around $6.1B, for learning recovery, which can include after school, summer and ELT (expanded learning time)
$22B will be provided to local education agencies (LEAs), such as local boards of education and charter schools, for learning recovery strategies, which can include after school clubs and summer enrichment programs.
See the funds allocated to your state here.
Parents, enrichment providers, after school organizers, PTA and PTO volunteers and teachers can all raise their voices to ensure that these funds will be directed to after school clubs and summer enrichment programs.
Who should I contact? Your school principal, local board of education and superintendent.
What should I say? Share how your after school clubs or summer program can benefit students.
Include details like:
- How many students can your program support?
- Do your clubs or programs benefit student groups like English learners, students with disabilities, low-income or homeless students?
- How would your program help students’ recovery? ex.-academic support, getting elementary schoolers excited about learning, extending social and emotional learning, or serving students in need.
- Share details about how you propose to operate or how your program has functioned previously.
- What are the costs?
This summary is based on Afterschool Alliance’s fantastic toolkit. Click here to dive into their complete guidance. We’ve adapted their email template for use for PTO/ PTA leaders and after school organizers and providers.
Find the template here, populate with your group’s information and send!
What are some talking points for follow up conversations?
- There is significant value in extending social and emotional learning (SEL) into after school hours. After school clubs are a highly accessible opportunity to do this.
- Skills gained in after school clubs impact education outcomes. After school programs support direct skill building of executive function, social-emotional skills, visual-spatial skills and curiosity.
- After school clubs are a safe and positive environment for children.
- These activities support the development of high quality relationships between students and providers/ mentors/ educators.
*source The Wallace Foundation
If you’re an after school educator or organizer, PTO or PTA leader that wants help communicating the benefits of after school programs to your local education leaders, please reach out to us at [email protected].