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Setup and scheduling

With our intuitive interface, you'll be able to easily set up your before and aftercare programs and create schedules that work best for your students and their families. You can also manage drop-ins and make changes to the schedule as needed, all in one place.

Booking and intake

Homeroom offers a mobile-friendly parent booking experience that makes it easy for families to join your extended day program. Collect precisely the information you need from families, including waivers, preferences, and more. Say goodbye to the hassle of managing paper forms and hello to a streamlined process that saves you time and effort.

Coordination and communication

Create rosters that match your program's unique needs, whether that's by grade, classroom, or any other category you choose. You can quickly and easily generate the rosters you need to run your program smoothly, make changes as needed, and streamline communication with families.

Payment and billing

Get the ultimate in flexibility and convenience when it comes to payment processing with Homeroom. You can choose to get paid up front or monthly, depending on what works best for your program. Our platform makes it easy to manage payments, whether you're collecting fees for a single session or for an entire season. And, in the event that a refund is necessary, our software streamlines the process, making it quick and hassle-free for both you and the families you serve. You'll be able to process refunds with just a few clicks, and our reporting tools ensure that you always have a clear view of your program's financials.

Safety and satisfaction

Track compliance for staff, ensuring that all required documents are uploaded and up-to-date. Our platform allows you to set compliance requirements, such as background checks or immunization records, and easily track whether those requirements have been met. You can also survey families to get their feedback on your program, which can help you identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.